Sunday, May 1, 2011

From Sewing Room to Sewing Studio

When we built our house 8 years ago, the room I now use as my sewing room was a designated "play room" for my son.  He picked out the wall color, carpet color, etc. etc.  It showed.  At that time he was  in love with the Packers.  So there we were. Yellow walls, dark green desk area, dark green carpet.  Not exactly conducive to a sewing room.  Nonetheless, when he got his drivers license, he was rarely home anymore.  So, I stole the room. 

Out came the Playstation, drum set, futon, and rock star posters.  I was so anxious to have my very own sewing space, I didn't bother changing anything.  Have you ever sewed for very long on a dark green carpet?  Not good.

I put on my best "pouty" face and told my husband that my sewing space needed an extreme makeover.  Reluctantly and with his best "pouty" face, he gave the green light.  Here's the progress:

Here's the first "before" picture.  See the beautiful dark green carpet and those vibrant yellow walls?  I cringe just looking at it.  As you can see, I tested out paint colors.  It couple me a couple of tries, but I finally found something I truly loved.  It's funny how colors look so different in the store than at home.  Thank God for those wonderful paint samples they have now. 

And here's the dark green "cubby" area.  You can see more paint tests.  This is a great area to set up my computer and store my books.  As it was it was way too dark.  I'll fix that!!

And so it began . . . paint samples . . . standing back.  Hmmm.  Brenda's opinion, Annette's opinion, Tim's opinion.  First I got the ceiling painted.  Feeling like Michael Angelo, I stood back and admired my handy work.  That was last weekend.  This weekend the walls. 

From this picture it is hard to tell, but the walls are now a light and airy shade of pale green.  The room looks so clean and bright.  I already feel inspired.  And as for that cubby:

It is now a light sage green.  For a nice pop of color, I painted the desk a marine blue.  The red paper you see on the floor is the next big step to be completed next weekend.  Hardwood floors.  I am so excited I feel giddy. 

So what am I now using for my sewing room?  Well, my poor dining room looks like an explosion, but I am able to satisfy my need to sew little projects for now.

Needless to say I haven't invited anyone to dinner in a while.  I'll keep you up to date on the construction. 

Oh, by the way.  A beautiful Koala cabinet will be going in my space.  Check it out.  It will be the CraftPro Plus IV.  Check it out at

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