Tuesday, August 13, 2013

To Goose or not To Goose

Goosetracks Embroidablock of the Month

Yep, that's right.  The one I started about a year . . . okay two years ago.  Although I have had these done for about eight months, other matters have kept me from writing my blog.  Nonetheless, an urge to share was too overwhelming.

Without further ado. . . 

My finished quilt.  I love how it shows up on the mustard colored walls of my dining room.  This quilt is made of 5" individual blocks, each embroidered and quilted in the hoop.  Let me be clear, this was TIME CONSUMING!!  However, the results are spectacular.  A dozen different fabrics, more than a dozen different threads.  The flying geese blocks around the border take approximately 40 minutes per block.  I loved the result, but hated the time it took.  

Also, this quilt was not cheap.  At approximately $20 per month for 12 months, plus the cost of your materials, plus your time.  Well, you do the math.  However, in the end it sure is a beauty.  There are lots of Oooohs and Aaaahs as people sit in my dining room, and it sure isn't because of my cooking.  

So, I wondered . . . . what if I didn't do the flying geese?  What if I didn't use all those different color fabrics?  What if I found a fabric that had movement in it and it created its own "flying" effect?  What if I only used one color of thread?  What would that result be?  

Instead of flying geese, I got a twisted ribbon effect.  It was incredible!!  How long did this one take?  The border blocks went from 40 minutes per block to about 12 minutes per block.  I finished this entire quilt in the time it took me to do about one side of border blocks in the first quilt.  

I'm not sure which one I love more.